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What can I learn in these in-person workshops?


The Brilliant Cutting Consortium workshop is an intense three-day, thirty-hour, one-on-one class. It is designed to supply the student with a broad knowledge of the tools and materials used for cutting and polishing glass as well as the major skills and techniques involved in this process.


The Brilliant Cutting workshop will include the following processes:

•Review of Stones for brilliant cutting.

•Pre-polishing and polishing methods.

•Resources for materials, equipment, and education.

•Digital photos of London Pub art for reference.

•Cutting and polishing techniques (Punty, V-cut, and Edge Cut)   


Access: Accommodation & Refreshments

Access: Denver International Airport.

Hotels: Within 2 miles of my home and workshop.

Air B&B’s within Littleton.

Lunch provided daily.


A bit about your tutor

  • BA in Art Education, The College of New Jersey

  • Studio Potter

  • Product designer

  • Package designer

  • Accomplished Woodworker

  • Artist / Craftsman

  • Founder and member of the “Brilliant Cutting Consortium” 2023

  • FAQ’s

      • How do I transport my glass panels after completing the class?  A handmade wooden box with packing materials is supplied for each student allowing for easy, safe, transport.

      • Can I construct my own glass-cutting lathe?  A complete set of measured drawings, materials lists, photos, and support is available and for sale. These designs are the same specifications used to construct Dave Smith’s new lathe in Torquay, England in August 2023.



 “The one-on-one guided instruction through the tools, processes, and pitfalls in beginning to learn this craft was immeasurably helpful. The ingenuity in reviving the craft of brilliant cutting, stateside, was remarkable. And to become a part of the growing community interested in this craft through the consortium of Pat Minervini, Tits Rinkis and Dave Smith was particularly enticing. The workshop is intense in its time requirements, physicality, and focus to learn a new skill, but I am so proud of what we were able to achieve in three days. Getting to go home with several finished products, a better understanding of brilliant cutting, a global community to participate in, and a friendship with Pat made it all worthwhile.

Nose to the grindstone! -Nat Iosbaker”



“…What an ingenuous man in every sense. I’m still processing all I learned from him but I’m very glad I got to learn about this craft through the workshop.”


Nat Iosbaker - May 2024


International Brilliant Cutting Consortium

Purpose: “Keeping the Craft Alive”

Members and founders: David Adrian Smith, Torquay England / Tits Rinkis, Riga, Latvia / Pat Minervini, Littleton Colorado USA


In August 2023 Dave Smith ,Tits Rinkis , and myself came together to center around Brilliant Cutting Glass and the construction of a new cutting lathe for Dave in Torquay, England.


It was during this time together we realized there is little, if any, opportunity for artisans to learn this art form. Exchanging our collective skills and experiences, the three of us decided to form the Brilliant Cutting Consortium, with the soul purpose of “Keeping the Craft Alive”


Our first offering for 2024 is a series of 3 day, one-on-one Brilliant Cutting classes, This years classes are with Tits Rinkis in Riga, Latvia and Pat Minervini in Littleton, Colorado.


Dates offered in May, June, August, September and October.


Artists from Arizona, Pennsylvania, New York and Japan have reserved classes in Littleton Colorado beginning in May thru October of 2024

Sign Up For a Class

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